How To Help

Learn About Poverty

Spend time reading books and watching videos about poverty. Did you know that many kids around the world can't go to school because their families need them to work instead? This made me realize how lucky I am to be able to go to school!

School Food Drives

You can suggest a school food drive or give out clothes and shoes to people in need.If not,you can suggest to your school on giving to charities and donating money to get people off the streets!.


Use your creativity for a good cause! You can create posters and hang them around school or local area to keep people aware on what poverty does to people and advice on how to stop it!


Donate to your favourite charities to help children who are not as fortunate as you.You never now, donating your old clothes, shoes or food can make a child's day.

Things To Do

You can suggest activities to your school or community to raise money for a charity.

Suggest ideas to your local community centre on how to help people out of poverty.

Small actions can create big changes, always try to help someone who is in need.

My Message to Other Children

Be kind, stay positive and always try to make someone's day. Small, baby steps can later change our world for the better!